Planet of the Tapes

Member Since: 9/22/2005
Total Mixes: 67
Total Feedback: 55

Check out my new youtube account as my old one was smashed by Paramount. Lots of re-uploads to come.

Planet of the Tapes's Mixes

Planet of the Tapes's Favorite Mixes

Planet of the Tapes's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
90 minutes long. Tape 3 of a 6 tape set. Album rundown. SCARY MONSTERS - A multitude of tracks were taken from what many call David's last huge album. Though I think Let's Dance and Heathen are excepti …
Cassette | Single Artist
90 minutes long. Tape 2 of my 2 tape Final Fantasy VII set. Act III opens with the party going to Cosmo Canyon where much of the plot of the game is revealed. The side ends with the mysterious and dark …
Cassette | Single Artist
90 minutes long. Tape 2 of my 6 tape set. This has taken me hours to compile. This album covers the years after Bowies begginnings and his stay with the Spiders from Mars. Run down of the tracks and th …
Cassette | Single Artist
90 minutes long. Part of a 3 tape set (more will come later when I buy the rest of his new cds, nods). This has taken hours to compile. One of the greatest musical talents of all time, and arguably the …
Cassette | Theme
120 minutes long. Tape 2 of a 3 tape set. Cut for action and intrigue. Starts off with the first Roger Moore film and the first non-John Barry score, and ends with the last John Barry score, to date.
Cassette | Theme
120 minutes long. Tape 1 in a 3 tape set. Cut together for action and intrigue. I have wowed many a OO7 fan with this mix. (It took me so long to put this together.)
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