
Member Since: 6/18/2002
Total Mixes: 49
Total Feedback: 328

Nirmala-B's Mixes

Nirmala-B's Favorite Mixes

Nirmala-B's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Mixed Genre
sometimes he'll just bust out a breakdancing move for no real reason at all. maybe while we're eating, or walking down the street. and he did it when he visited for the first time, coming through the a …
Cassette | Theme
made an all-canadian mix for teapin because i said i would. by no means meant to be "the history of ". and leaning heavily on local (toronto) acts. not to mention the hits. so yes yes that is …
Cassette | Country
made a country-style mix for teapin because i said i would. the string of "blue" songs on the first side was completely unintentional (i'm not that lame). the references to new mexico, however, were no …

Nirmala-B's Last Three Favorite Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
caps lock does it again, and then sticks a great title on it.
CD | Mixed Genre
remember there was that saturday night live sketch and christopher walken says "this next song...i wrote...after hearing it on the radio"? and he's a lounge singer in a cheap restaurant singing "shatte …
CD | Mixed Genre
.....and this is only his third mix.

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