Emily Stein1

Member Since: 6/22/2002
Total Mixes: 22
Total Feedback: 78

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Emily Stein1's Mixes

Emily Stein1's Favorite Mixes

Emily Stein1's Favorite Mixes

by dice
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Bah, I can't believe I forgot to add this to my favorites. This should have been here many moons ago, because it's stunningly beautiful, and Abigail made it for me!
by Noble1
CD | Mixed Genre
Happiness is a stuffed panda. Tee hee.
by dice
Cassette | Theme - Sleep
Abigail sent this mix to me, and it's so fabulous. Wonderful for sleeeeeeep....
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I haven't actually heard this one, but it looks wonderful, and you just can't beat the title.
by munkee
CD | Mixed Genre
Holy crapola--a way with words AND music. Zach's a double-threat guy. :)
CD | Mixed Genre
I'll nobly contain the filibuster I had prepared for this comment, and instead simply say that I wish I had thought of this.
Cassette | Theme
This is so exactly the sort of thing that I love so much. Pure, undiluted, beautiful randomness. O joy. :)
CD | Theme
Tra la la, this mix is so good I could cry. I feel honored that any mix of mine could have inspired such greatness. :)
CD | Mixed Genre
Yes yes yes--need I say more? Necessary update: Hah, see, now I do indeed need to say more, because I got this mix in a trade with Russ and it's so wonderful!
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
This was sent to me by Kristina--or, perhaps, through divine intervention? If only every mix could be like this!
Cassette | Theme
An instant classic. Anything associated with "Say Anything" would be a winner in my book, but the fact that the music rocks as well is just too much. Just look at the tongue-tied, "I am so enthusiastic, I'm going to say the word 'so' six times" comments that I left, and you'll see what I mean. Wow.
CD | Theme
This here is meant to represent the entire "for a friend" series. They look la la lovely, to make a dorky Pixies joke, and I love the titles.
CD | Mixed Genre
Who could ask for a better birthday wish, especially considering I received in on someone else's birthday?
by munkee
CD | Mixed Genre
by mither
CD | Mixed Genre
Oh--and this one! I can't believe I never gave these beautiful mixes the recognition they so deeply deserve. Anyway, I love this one more than I can say, and hah hah hah--it's got my name in it! Beat that!
CD | Theme
Abs is the BEST!!!!
CD | Theme
Everyone knows geeks are the only way to go.
by mither
CD | Mixed Genre
I meant to put this one here a really long time ago, but becayse I'm both a slacker and slightly scattered, it now makes its long-overdue appearance, as I'm listening to it right now and finally remembered to list it. Let me just say that everyone's quality of life would be substantially improved if they were lucky enough to own this. Oh yes.