Emily Stein1

Member Since: 6/22/2002
Total Mixes: 22
Total Feedback: 78

I'm Begging You to Clickity-Click www.tryjlc.com
The Sifl & Olly Cyberspace Station http://www.sifl-n-olly.com

Emily Stein1's Mixes

Emily Stein1's Favorite Mixes

Emily Stein1's Mixes

CD | Theme
I'm sure you've all figured this one out by now; it's pretty straightforward. I've actually been planning this mix for quite a while; when I actually started making it, I was surprised at how many song …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is what comes of an entire day by myself. Some of the more knowledgable weezer fans out there may notice that I crowded the bands of all three non-Rivers members of weezer (though Matt Sharp is of …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The title of this mix, as I'm sure many of you worthy folk may know, was taken from John Mayall's fabulous album "The Turning Point." I'd been searching for it desperately for about six months, and upo …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I made this in a frenzy; couldn't help throwing in a few summertime standards.
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