
Member Since: 2/22/2000
Total Mixes: 101
Total Feedback: 70

K.12345's Mixes

K.12345's Favorite Mixes

K.12345's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
On both sides, this was The Tape That Would Not End. Made it for the Beth-friend whom I'm visiting this coming weekend. If there's a lot of repetition between this and my last few tapes, well, it's bec …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Don't judge me on the My Chemical Romance; it took me a long time, but if you overlook the emo overtones The Black Parade is kind of really awesome. I mean, come on, they got Liza Minelli to sing on on …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Yet another car tape, this one pretty evenly split between dancy music, guitary rock music, and folky nonsense, which works better than I'd been expecting. And yes, I did deliberately include The Auteu …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
usually i post tapes as soon as i'm done making them, but this one has been in my car for a while now and i just noticed i didn't post it because i'm gonna make a new one tomorrow. this is one of those …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
side one has a couple long songs, side two doesn't. i made this one very gradually over a period of about a week, so it kind of forms, develops, and suddenly drops themes a whole bunch of times.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
the fifth dimension and mary hopkin are next to each other because i couldn't decide whether to put on the fifth dimension's ticket to ride or their those were the days. so that's the compromise. seren …
CD | Mixed Genre
like the other mix i just posted, this is for a friend who lives far enough away from me to have avoided needing a tape deck. hence the cd. this friend is a big david bowie fan (though it's not in her  …
CD | Mixed Genre
my friends that don't live near me don't get enough pestering to make them get tape players, so when i visit them i have to make cds. this is for one of those friends. the tammy wynette-lil kim-dolly m …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
just another tape for the car. no concept this time, really, just stuff i wanted to hear. most of it is things i got recently or things i haven't heard in a while. some mini-motifs that arose, though:  …
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