David Grey

Member Since: 4/11/2003
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 4

David Grey's Mixes

David Grey's Favorite Mixes

David Grey's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a friend who's going home for a while to find herself. Hopefully she'll find what she's looking for and hurry back.
CD | Mixed Genre
This is another mix from the music appreciation club I participate in. The theme was "best song you never knew"... songs that either are unknown, or underappreciated. This has a pretty eclectic mix of  …
CD | Mixed Genre
The concept behind this mix was to compile a great classic rock mix out of songs that I think are underrated. Most of these songs weren't singles and don't get a lot of air play on the radio. I really  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix came out of a music appreciation club that I participate in. Everybody brings a song relating to the theme of the week. Last week was artists who died before their time, and I thought the trac …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This mix is about the feeling you get when there's that someone you desperately want to be with, but, for a variety of reasons, it can't happen. I've been in this situation more than I'd like, and I wa …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This mix began more as one exploring different elements of nature, but ended up morphing into an exploration of the passage of time. I picked songs that are not static in their timeframe. Instead I use …
Cassette | Theme
This is a mix I made to run to. It fits on a 60 minute tape just right. I tried to find songs that both had the word "run" in the title but also had some significance, and were good to excercise to. En …
CD | Pop
I was setting out to create as comprehensive of a classic rock mix as I could, and this is what I came up with. Some of the live stuff is amazing (if you get a chance check out the live Hendrix off of  …
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
A lot of tried and true here, but I think it makes for one funky listen.