g.a.b. l@bs

Member Since: 8/7/2000
Total Mixes: 197
Total Feedback: 2458

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g.a.b. l@bs's Mixes

g.a.b. l@bs's Favorite Mixes

g.a.b. l@bs's Mixes

CD | Theme - Road Trip
79:50 Made as a portion of the musical fare for a five state road trip I took with a business associate (Bill, see track 7) last month (a consensus building strategy for a business project - see the st …
CD | Electronic - Ambient
76:37 Shapeless compositions bending invisible sounds...juxtaposed against a bleary, blurry, gray sky-scape.
CD | Electronic - Ambient
72:52 | "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." -- Pablo Picasso File derivations, mathematical interpretations, and tectonic/aural stratagems...set to music …
CD | Mixed Genre
76:53 Minimalist compositions centering predominantly around violin, harp & piano and, later in the mix, ambient synths & creeping jazz rhythms. A hybrid update of an old cassette mix dragged into 2008 …
CD | Jazz
79:08 Now that my overseas business has been nicely put to bed (by my contact, the audio-surgeon, Mr. Smith), I can turn my sights back to file-hacking & my out-box. This a tribute to one of my favorit …
CD | Experimental
76:01 | "Whenever I hear a sound it reminds me of, and suggests, another sound..." -- Brian Eno, Deceleration. This is the most fun I've had making a mix in a long time. Not because other mixes aren't  …
CD | Mixed Genre
76:03 See notes... Disc 1. Grittier & louder; a balanced, audio-graphic response to part 1.
CD | Mixed Genre
76:21 Disc 1, of 2 About 3-4 months ago I read about, and Googled some information on, a "new" album released in 2006, by Robert Fripp & Brian Eno, Beyond Even (1992-2006). I write "new" because it's a …
CD | Electronic
77:02 More digital bumps and techno beats...for surviving the hyper-speed of future civilizations and, uhm...winter Nordic Track sessions : ). A hale & hearty "shout out" to the all-knowing valis, who …
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