
Member Since: 8/8/2000
Total Mixes: 85
Total Feedback: 263

brad32's Mixes

brad32's Favorite Mixes

brad32's Mixes

CD | Theme
Alright all you hodads! Hang ten! Shoot the curl! And all that other surfer lingo that I don't know. You don't get to learn much when you are landlocked in Milwaukee, WI. However, I do so love me that  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
So lately my four-almost-five year old has been getting into Dr. Seuss. I don't have a problem with that - I loved him as a kid - however...I didn't have to read the tongue twister that is "Fox in Sock …
CD | Mixed Genre
Nice to see us back up and running - to celebrate, I put a mix out original! Just a smattering of that loveable ol' garage rock. The title is paraphrased from an old Bloom County cartoon -  …
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
so I'm listening to alot of public enemy lately, and I want to dig a little deeper into the songs they've sampled. this is what I've come up with so far... a little primer on funk music (this site need …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is my attempt at a double disc monster. i've been inspired by some of these bad boys around here of late. mine probably doesn't get as obscure as some of the others, but hey, they can't all be obs …
CD | Mixed Genre
...or in this case, a four year old. i had my son Noah go thru my cds and randomly pick some out (he got to 18, then got bored) - then he got to point to the songs he wanted. i took them and put 'em on …
CD | Mixed Genre
seriously...i mean, is this all we have to talk about? i have nothing against the movie, i'm just sick of all the hype! you know it's not gonna be that great, right? i like sam jackson as much as the n …
CD | Theme
ever notice how many songs start off with just a drum beat and nothing else? once i started thinking about this mix, it seemed i couldn't stop coming up with them. i started off with one of the most re …
CD | Reggae
been a long time since i put something out here - I wanted to make sure that none of you forgot me ;) I tried something a little different this time around - I've been listening to alot of reggae and s …
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