
Member Since: 9/8/2000
Total Mixes: 45
Total Feedback: 6

bofus1's Mixes

bofus1's Favorite Mixes

bofus1's Favorite Mixes

Cassette | Classical
Beautiful, sparse. Part of g.a.b.'s t-1 series of cassettes, this one is my favorite. Fabulous artwork as always, but it's the music here. Stark, beautiful, silent, nocturnal, empty. Honestly, this is the mix I've been trying to make in my head for months, maybe even years. (Luke)
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This mix is just sheer fun. A similar feel to Lo-Fi's "Too Much Pork...", but some of the music here is so horrid, it's beautiful. Perfect to clear a room--especially The Electronic Concept Orchestra's "Penny Lane." :) "Us and Them" by a drag queen. This mix has it all, even songs sung by ventriloquist dummies.
Cassette | Theme
Part of the Rock Snob series, which I am watching develop into something spectacular over time. This is my favorite so far. I *wish* I could put something like this together. Fragile, mad geniuses. (Luke)