J&C's Dad

Member Since: 10/30/2000
Total Mixes: 69
Total Feedback: 102

...the Dichotomy of the Dog http://marimbadog.easyjournal.com

J&C's Dad's Mixes

J&C's Dad's Favorite Mixes

J&C's Dad's Mixes

CD | Theme
Here's the story: I'm not certain how I came to own this, but I have what looks on the outside to be a photo album the size of a 45 rpm record. When you open it up, you see that it's actually an album  …
CD | Mixed Genre
A collection of songs I've enjoyed this month. The title comes from my friend Matt, who sent it to me in an email to remind me that he did, in fact, drive Elvis' Mercedes at high speeds. Matt requested …
CD | Single Artist
Here's the history: Thomas Dolby originally released his LP, The Golden Age of Wireless, in the USA in 1982. It's a mesmerizing collection of haunting pop songs the prove that "technopop" can have both …
CD | Theme
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my AOTM friends!
CD | Theme
My all-time favorite song is "(Sittin' On)The Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding. Both of my sons first heard me sing "Dock of the Bay" to them before they were 20 minutes old. This Saturday, December 7t …
CD | Theme
A Thanksgiving-themed mix. A few notes: tracks 5 and 6 are not the same song, but tracks 12 and 13 are the same song. None of the songs called "Thank You" are the same song. Track 20 is, indeed, sung b …
CD | Theme - Narrative
The second (and probably last) in my Corporate Training Musicals series. In this one, factory foreman Mel Gottleib needs to conduct disciplinary interviews with his ne'er-do-well employee, Tillie Izzo. …
CD | Theme - Narrative
31) Ray Charles-Busted 32) Mr. Channing and Joe Hodges-Interview 2 (excerpt) Years ago, a co-worker of mine told me to go out to the back landing of our building because someone was throwing away some  …
CD | Theme
This seems pretty self-explanatory.
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