J&C's Dad

Member Since: 10/30/2000
Total Mixes: 69
Total Feedback: 102

...the Dichotomy of the Dog http://marimbadog.easyjournal.com

J&C's Dad's Mixes

J&C's Dad's Favorite Mixes

J&C's Dad's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
The title is a close approximation to something my five-year-old actually said the other day. He is also the performer of the first track, which is apparently his own improvised composition.
CD | Theme - Narrative
This mix is actually the soundtrack to a two-part essay that I posted to my website this week(check out the 4/14 and 4/15 entries at http://marimbadog.easyjournal.com to read "Who Needs Tomorrow? My Se …
CD | Mixed Genre
Our nine-month-old son is beginning to react in a really fun way to music--he'll stare at the stereo and bob his head to songs he really likes. I'm beginning to notice that he has certain favorites, am …
CD | Theme
This is actually a commissioned mix--it will be the soundtrack to a retirement party where I work this Friday evening. I actually won't be at the party, since I'm taking the kids to meet up with their  …
CD | Theme
1995. This completes my first set of four "year mixes," though I'm going to make one more to compile songs from 65,75,85 and 95 that didn't make it to these CDs. This has been an interesting set of mix …
CD | Theme
1985 was an incredible year for music--I had forgotten, or my memory had been warped by too much Phil Collins and "We Are The World." My apolgies to the following, who were left off (I think I'm going  …
CD | Theme
The second installment in my year-mixes. This one is much different from the '65 one in that my heart is ruling my head here: while I really wanted to get "Born To Run" and "Tangled Up in Blue" on here …
CD | Theme
Inspired by the mixes of Nate Patrin and Jeffrey1, I've decided to embark on a series of "year mixes," beginning with 1965, the year of my birth. My mixes are going to try to be a little bit rock, a li …
CD | Mixed Genre
My monthly mix. This one includes tracks suggested by my friend Matt (track #s 4,8,10,11,19,20,26); tracks from some of my recent "daily records" (#s 1,3,5,12,13,18,22,25,27,28), which include Percy Fa …
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