
Member Since: 2/15/2004
Total Mixes: 65
Total Feedback: 1731

Other Mixes By mahdishain

CD | Single Artist
CD | Single Artist
MP3 Playlist | Theme
MP3 Playlist | Theme

Build Me A Woman - Her Name Was Veronica

Artist Song
Tom Waits  What's He Building in There? 
Liz Phair  6'1" 
Hector Zazou  Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles 
The Records  Starry Eyes 
Garbage  Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go) 
Hothouse Flowers  One Tongue 
Tom Waits  Ruby's Arms 
Natalie MacMaster  In My Hands-The Drunken Lady 
Poe  Fingertips 
Nick Lowe  Heart 
Townes Van Zandt  Lungs 
Heather Nova  Truth and Bone 
David Olney  Brand New Skin 
Maria Muldaur  Don't You Fell My Leg 
Michael Franks  Popsickle Toes 
George Hrab  Brains Body Both 
Elvis Costello  Veronica 


Practice, Practice, Practice. Eureka. Built for speed, built for comfort, built to last, but not built to spill. He lights a cigarette and opens a beer. In your neighborhood.

Copies of both mixes along with the promised honor and glory to anyone who solves the quiz from Joanne.


Rob Conroy
Date: 3/20/2008
This is great and enigmatic... I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm interested if the journey is this cool. :-)
Date: 3/20/2008
Liz, Townes, Maria and Elvis. Good stuff.
Date: 3/20/2008
This is kinda playing off my Dem Bones mix. I like it. And the Elvis song is one of my fvorites
Mark Petruccelli
Date: 3/20/2008
The opener and closer are all-time favs and I haven't thought about that Michael Franks tune in 20 years (is it really 30 years old?)
Media Vixen: Radio Sally
Date: 3/20/2008
It is engimatic. Love the Elvis and Maria Muldaur.
Date: 3/20/2008
I don't know what's going on here but I'm liking the picks.
Date: 3/20/2008
I apologize to everyone who saw this mix before the companion mix, Joanne. They were concieved together and posted in order. I forgot that people usually go to the most recent post and work their way back. Go back and read the notes to Joanne first and then the notes to Veronica and it should make more sense.
anthony lombardi
Date: 3/20/2008
even better than the last one - the tom waits picks, of course, are great, & i love the townes van zandt, nick lowe & that fantastically cool closer
Ken Harris
Date: 3/20/2008
This looks outstanding and very, very listenable...Especially fond of tracks 4 & 5...Keep up the great work!
p the swede
Date: 3/22/2008
nice stuff
avocado rabbit
Date: 3/22/2008
I think I like Veronica better, the woman not necessarily the mix. Seriously, good stuff.
Date: 3/25/2008
very good, very original.