
Member Since: 1/13/2002
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 36

Other Mixes By HeadOfState

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

A Full Tank of Gas, a Fourpack of AA Batteries

Artist Song
PJ Harvey   To Bring You My Love 
Grandaddy  Collective Dreamwish of Upperclass Elegance 
Death Cab for Cutie  405 
The Silver Jews  Smith & Jones Forever 
The Moldy Peaches  These Burgers 
Mice Parade  Imagine Winooski 
Air   Dirty Trip 
The Beta Band  Los Amigos Del Beta Banditos(push it out) 
Velvet Underground  The Murder Mystery 
Smashing Pumpkins  Believe 
Spiritualized  Won't Get to Heaven(The State I'm In) 
Radiohead  Fog 
Blonde Redhead  Equally Damaged 
Nick Drake  Been Smoking Too Long 
Radiohead/Miles Davis  Life in a Glasshouse/Pharoah's Dance 


This mix I made for myself, for solitary car drives.
All of these songs take me to a different place. Some because they are just so strange (Imagine Winooski, These Burgers), some because they set a mood, and the music is so incredible it just moves you(to bring you my love, fog).

Regarding the last song...the first part of it is the chorus of Life in a Glasshouse, played backwards. I made it so the sound gets louder and louder as the sound washes over you, panned right to left. Then, as it fades to the left, an excerpt of Pharoah's Dance, looped, and heavily echoed, fades in, panned right, than to the left. As the sound of Pharoah's Dance is fading away to the left,
Life in a Glasshouse fades back in from the right, and whole process repeats, over and over, for about
15 minutes. I guess this is kind of strange, but it sort of hypnotizes me, in fact, I've almost wrecked my car several times listening to it.
image for mix


Date: 2/18/2002
Nice cover art!
Date: 2/18/2002
Nice mix.
Amy S.
Date: 2/19/2002
this sounds really, really cool.
DJ Palindrome
Date: 2/19/2002
I'd almost wreck my car, too. Great mix.
Date: 2/19/2002
brilliant mix. if i drove, i'd want this in the car. might try the Miles / Radiohead idea myself.