
Member Since: 1/13/2002
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 36

HeadOfState's Mixes

HeadOfState's Favorite Mixes

HeadOfState's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Wow, I haven't submitted a mix here in a long, long time. I was just looking over the past mixes I've made, and marveling at the hilarity of my TITLES for the things! A little embarassing perhaps, but  …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is the first time i've ever went with the "cluster" approach. usually i go with all different artists, but in this case i was making a cd for a girl who wasn't familiar with any of these bands and …
CD | Mixed Genre
This one follows a pretty traditional structure, with the happy party hits near the beginning, a few more strange ones near the middle, and the beautiful quiet ones at the end.
CD | Theme
I'm leaving town for college in a few days, and last night was my last time to spend a whole night with my friends at home. I knew there would be a HUGE thunderstorm (tornado warnings), so I decided to …
CD | Mixed Genre
A fun mix, I think. Includes one of my favorite Yo La Tengo songs. The John Cage song was 8 minutes, and is a little too...ermm..experimental for most people (this is a mix for a good friend of mine) s …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this one was for a friend. it was actually kind of hard to make, because he likes more upbeat music;he likes to dance a lot. so i had to make sure that at least every other song was upbeat so he wouldn …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i made this one for a friend. he's already familiar with most of these bands or artists, but i tried to put stuff on there that he hadn't heard, from cd's he doesn't own yet. i was actually pretty happ …
CD | Mixed Genre
there's not too many unknown artists on this or anything. i just made it for my friend charlie down the hall, who is always hearing strange music out of my room. he asked for a cd that had a sampling.. …
CD | Theme
This mix I made for myself, for solitary car drives. All of these songs take me to a different place. Some because they are just so strange (Imagine Winooski, These Burgers), some because they set a mo …
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