
Member Since: 6/8/2001
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 33

Other Mixes By nickhalz

Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Cassette | Single Artist
Cassette | Theme
Cassette | Single Artist

Loud Shit Rules Vol. II: Therapeutic Noise

Side A
Artist Song
Fugazi  Waiting Room 
Drive Like Jehu  Caress 
Husker Du  Girl Who Lives on Heaven Hill 
Wipers  Up Front 
Mission of Burma  Academy Fight Song 
Rites of Spring  For Want of 
. . .Trail of Dead  A Perfect Teenhood 
Side B
Replacements  Stuck in the Middle 
Rocket from the Crypt  On a Rope 
Archers of Loaf  Wrong 
Jawbox  Breathe 
Nation of Ulysses  Shakedown 
Unwound  Swan 
Exploding Hearts  Still Crazy 


The same idea as Volume 1- more of my favorite songs to kill my eardrums with. I decided to make a sequel after stumbling upon a lot more music that sounded better the louder I played it. In particular, this mix reveals how many DC bands I've been listening to lately... The challenge again was to blend the songs of blaring, sprawling noise with those that are a bit more pop. Side 1 is a little darker than side 2, but the overall product should prove to be highly cathartic.
I actually taped this onto one side of a 120 min cassette. I'll put Vol. 3 on the other side as soon as I can borrow a Big Black CD and a get few others that I don't have with me right now.


Date: 12/15/2003
who needs eardrums anyway?