
Member Since: 10/18/2004
Total Mixes: 77
Total Feedback: 998

Other Mixes By Jenergy

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ

Go Man Go!

Side A
Artist Song
fr. "Cabaret"  Tomorrow Belongs to Me 
Negativland  Happy Hero 
Souther Culture on the Skids  The Fly that Rode from Buffalo 
John Tee  Roll Dem Bones 
Jonathan Richman  I Was Dancing in a Lesbian Bar 
Hanson  Mmm-bop 
Plastic Bertrand  Ca Plane Pour Moi 
The New York Dolls  Courageous Cat Theme 
fr. "Motor Skills for Special Needs Children"  Moving Fast 
Brave Combo  Hokey Pokey 
Mamashoe  Dear Okie 
fr. Crumb: The Musical  I'll Tell You Up Front 
Big Maybelle  Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On 
The Coasters  Wake Me, Shake Me 
Morine & the Zercons  Let a Woman Through 
Side B
Edd "Kookie" Byrnes  Like, Yulesville 
Pianosaurus  Barbie 
Kahim Kavie  Good Morning, World 
They Might Be Giants  New York City 
The Ramones  Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight) 
Norman Fox & the Rob Roys  Pizza Pie 
David Barnes  Hub of Society 
The Beastie Boys  Girls 
Simon Chardiet  What's New Pussycat? 
Elton John  Candle in the WInd 
The Four Jokers  Transfusion 
The Dorsets  Pork Chops 
Dalbello  Whore 
The Pet Shop Boys  Rent 
Kenny Young & the Eggplants  Randolph got a Haircut 
Seks Bomba  The Liquidator 


For Christmas 1997, our last offering on cassette, dedicated to Radio Free Allston, which had been shut down by the FCC shortly before we compiled this


Rob Conroy
Date: 10/27/2004
Ha. I was just singing that Jonathan Richman song two days ago. :-)
Date: 10/27/2004
Ah, but were you singing it in a lesbian bar?