
Member Since: 1/28/2002
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 0

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You Can't Wear Nail Polish to a Surgery

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submeta's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Some killer lyrics and samples on volume 2. The segue from Natural Born Chillers to PE is pretty natural, considering NBC sample Chuck D on their track. The Cornershop remix is the one everyone knows,  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The first half of a two-volume set I made back in '98 of (largely) underground hip-hop, both vocal and turntablistic, along with some added beat treats which slotted in nicely. I HAD to start with Mant …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Volume 3, the final one in this series. And no, it's not definitive, and isn't supposed to be; I came to jazz rather late (in my mid-20s), and don't own a lot of the classics. I often prefer the whole  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
See volume 1 for the backstory on this set. This isn't my favorite of the 3 volumes (that honor goes to the first), but there are some killers on here. To wit, Bowie & Bowie's "Looking for Lester," a b …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the first volume of a 3-volume series I made back in '98 for a close friend and profound music lover. He's always been a jazz fan, so I thought of using that as a gateway into other genres of m …
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
This is my first posted mix, and perhaps I should've gone with something more sure-shot, but I love this one so I'm stickin' with it. Not all funk, not even all R&B, granted, but I like the title, so i …