The Misfit

Member Since: 2/8/2002
Total Mixes: 94
Total Feedback: 1956

"I call myself the Misfit because I can't make what all I done wrong fit what all I gone through in punishment." - Flannery O'Connor

The Misfit's Mixes

The Misfit's Favorite Mixes

The Misfit's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
When I first started putting this together, its working title was "I Will Show You the Life of the Mind," and it was semi-inspired by the movie "Barton Fink," which might explain some of the song selec …
CD | Single Artist
These songs still sound fresh to me, every time.
CD | Single Artist
31. Drive My Car 32. Girl
CD | Mixed Genre
After a couple of months of not being able to do much in the way of mixing or trading, I'm happy to be back in business! This started out (a few months ago) as a summer mix, then gradually took a sligh …
CD | Mixed Genre
My older daughter wanted me to make her a CD for playing in the car while she's driving around with her friends. So, while there's some stuff on here that I don't normally listen to, this is my interpr …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Another tape for my friend in Nicaragua.
CD | Single Artist
In the spirit of Adam Bristor's The Sweetest Winds They Blow Across the South, and in response to Mo Twang!'s challenge, here are twenty songs that feature the duet and background vocals of Lucinda Wil …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This is the second of the two tapes I'm sending to my friend in Nicaragua, where she tells me she's been hearing an odd mixture of reggae, country, and several other musical styles. A lot of these song …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Last summer, one of my best friends left to do a two year stint as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Nicaragua. She could take very few personal possessions, so her music collection stayed home. This is …
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