
Member Since: 3/20/2002
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 40

Dead Milkmen-Dave Blood R.I.P http://www.deadmilkmen.com/

EngineOrator...DIYDLF's Mixes

EngineOrator...DIYDLF's Favorite Mixes

EngineOrator...DIYDLF's Mixes

CD | Theme
This mix has its origins in my long, hot, impoverished summer. As you can tell all the songs are about money or the lack thereof. I thought the various "Diamonds" songs along with the George Carlin "ad …
CD | Theme
A long delayed follow up to the first Livestock Show, Punk Rodeo mix. This one is a labor of love for the ladies, if you will. The idea for both is to have an alternating DJ (or at least genre) feel to …
CD | Theme
This was a graduation CD with a twist. This was for my wife who had just finished her first year teaching middle HS English. Many of the tracks refer to specific incidents during the year which, surpri …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was a Father's Day Mix. I wasn't just being lazy in that the songs all come from just 4 albums or so, (Ghost World Sndtrk., L. Armstrong JSP set of his hot 5s & 7s, & Dr. John's cover album of Duk …
CD | Jazz
O.K. I am probably going to the AOTM hell for this mix as it precariously borders on plagiarism but, then again, I guess borrowing and reworking given materials is what jazz is all about and Hollywood  …
CD | Mixed Genre
The rules were very simple for this mix: I wanted to clear out my hard drive. Make a somewhat coherent CD with a degree of continuity. To do it all under five minutes (not counting burn time). I am hap …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was a mix that I did some time ago which I was never satisfied with the way it ended. With the new Tom Waits song and a few other changes I think I figured out a resolution that I am happy with. A …
CD | Theme
I'm not a monster-movie freak but I stumbled across some Godzilla compilations and the music was great. I played one track and followed it by "Sabotage," liked the way they worked together, and started …
CD | Mixed Genre
This started out as a punk/country mix and is almost an alternating DJ in feel at least. I wanted a call and response sort of pattern and there are several mini-themes and jokes here. As you can see th …
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