
Member Since: 3/20/2002
Total Mixes: 28
Total Feedback: 40

Dead Milkmen-Dave Blood R.I.P http://www.deadmilkmen.com/

EngineOrator...DIYDLF's Mixes

EngineOrator...DIYDLF's Favorite Mixes

EngineOrator...DIYDLF's Mixes

CD | Theme
2nd mix made for a trade w/ boogichild. This one is kinda like what the title sounds like, cowboy-lounge (Who here thinks AOTM should add either Lounge or Rockabilly to their music category list?). Any …
CD | Theme
This is the first in a group of mixes made for a trade with boogichild. This once is mostly fun, wiggly, cowboy-esque songs with a particular emphasis on songs concerning chickens (as promised). The ti …
CD | Blues
I live right in front of an old 19th. Century New England Cemetary. These are all songs I'd really not want to suddenly hear while outside on a damp, foggy night. Appologies for all the several Robert  …
CD | Alternative - Punk
I simply don't want to hear the Monster Mash ever again. This is sort of insurance that there will be something else to play Halloween-wise other than the musical-version of "It's A Wonderful Life" for …
CD | Alternative - Punk
3. Here is where I try to bring myself up to the present. Important factors to note here include a cross-country move from Texas to Massachusetts, access to a wider variety of college radio and local,  …
CD | Alternative - Punk
2. Ahh, the grungie 90s, one of the intensely formative decades (or 2-3 year period) in music for me. Admittedly this volume is a bit more "condensed" and with less variety than the other 2. In part th …
CD | Alternative - Punk
1. This is a musical biography of sorts: the first in a (as of so far) three-part series spanning over a period of 20+ years. This is the result of me getting myself stuck on thinking about the status  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
After my last few mixes which were all tightly bound to certain themes I felt it would be nice to relax and look around for some new stuff to listen to. These are all songs downloaded from one of those …
CD | Theme
show up, punch in, pitch in, put out, clean up, punch out, head home, throw up, turn in, sack out, and shut up.....our economy depends on guns.....and we can't be late.....hey, ho, let's go.....In time …
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