
Member Since: 3/20/2002
Total Mixes: 161
Total Feedback: 579

AlmostFamous's Mixes

AlmostFamous's Favorite Mixes

AlmostFamous's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
He may not be the flashiest musician out there, but The Heartbreaker sure has cranked out some nifty tunes over the year. While this collection mya lean itself heavily towards his hits, and is admittad …
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Narrative
A personal soundtrack about the simple goings on of a young man. The opening credits roll (1). Our hero, a mid twenties young man, wakes up (2). He gets up and goes about his day, having his breakfast  …
MP3 Playlist | Single Artist
Inspired by MoodyLady's "20 Reasons..." series, I thought I'd toss my hat into the ring. U2 have long been my favorite band, even though they often have a tendency to get overexposed. These are my twen …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
The final of my three mixes made for my trip to NYC. Part of the reason for the trip is for my GF to see some of the Broadway shows she's always wanted to see. Another part is for me to see baseball ga …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
The second in the set of mixes for my trip to Gotham, now that i have the NY artists out of the way, I can focus on all the other music I like. This one stays slow for a looooong time in the middle, bu …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
So for the first time in almost ten years, I'm off to The Big Apple. Of course, for any trip, some tunes are required so I made this set of three mixes to take...keep me company on the plane...handy in …
CD | Single Artist
A continuation of the Oasis legacy. While this mix is a tad MORNING GLORY heavy, I think it still works. If you ever have the means, do catch these guys in concert because they still put on a kick-ass  …
MP3 Playlist | Single Artist
Remember 1996? Before teen-pop took over? When grunge wasn't considered "classic" yet? Back then a little band from Manchester was unquestionably the biggest band in the world. I've never stopped lovin …
CD | Country
So here's one for my dad. Tha man raised me on country music, and somehow I turned out just fine (perhaps even better so because of it). Dad recentlly requested I make a country mix for him, and even t …
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