Planet of the Tapes

Member Since: 9/22/2005
Total Mixes: 67
Total Feedback: 55

Check out my new youtube account as my old one was smashed by Paramount. Lots of re-uploads to come.

Planet of the Tapes's Mixes

Planet of the Tapes's Favorite Mixes

Planet of the Tapes's Mixes

Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
90 minutes long. The surreal cowboy drama begins to unfold as El Topo plays his flute. Meanwhile in the Temple of Doom the bugs are being controlled by a strange young girl with telepathic powers just  …
Cassette | Theme - Alternating DJ
240 minutes long. It goes with the Terror-tory. The last installment of possilby the longest album in history. Welcome to hell, or VGM's version of it. Here you will find Castlevania and Dracula, Ninja …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I could not upload the spine image with the album image as the spine is double sized and thus it made the file size to large.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
240 minutes, yes you read that right. Two tapes. Each 2 hours long. Creating possibly the longest album on planet earth. Since this is the 10th album anniversary of VGM I wanted to do something special …
Cassette | Theme
120 minute cloudburst. For that special someone, named Rain? That lives in California? Maybe we'll meet again, but... no more typing now... Meallic Rain And It Rained All Night It Never Rains In Southe …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
120 minutes long. VIDEO GAME MASTERPIECES Vol. 9: FIGHT!. A great Alph Lyla collection if there ever was one, and there wasn't, and there should have been! Alph Lyla was Capcom's house band that did al …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
120 minutes long. My first mix of 2008, and how fitting as this mix is all about the number 8. It is volume 8 of VGM, it features only music from the 8-bit NES and Game Boy, and it has a total of 80 tr …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
110 minutes long. Yes, I am back from the dead. My first mix in almost 10 months. Welcome to halloween II. The first album last year was kind of a lonely haunted house motiff. This year I was going for …
Cassette | Theme
90 minutes long. What can you say about the Blue Bomber, the character and games inspired by Astro Boy, the Mega Man series? Well it's Capcom's most plentiful series with over 50 titles, that's even mo …
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