
Member Since: 6/18/2002
Total Mixes: 49
Total Feedback: 328

Nirmala-B's Mixes

Nirmala-B's Favorite Mixes

Nirmala-B's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
April 10, 1999: This tape contains songs that are linked by one borrowing bits and/or entire pieces from the other. Some are outright, and some are just hinted at. But it's there. (I'm working on a seq …
Cassette | Theme
March 8, 1999: Another mix tape for Andrew Forbes, for no real reason. The very loose theme is the alternating of sad and happy songs (hence the title).
Cassette | Mixed Genre
February 4, 1999: Yet another mix for Andrew Forbes. And yet again, I can't remember the name. Why didn't I write them down before? (June 19, 2002: Ah, it's called Rock Steady. Thanks, Andy.)
Cassette | Theme
February 22, 1999: For our collective birthday (I was turning 23, he was turning 24), I made Grant a tape. I didn't really know what kind of music Grant would like, so I figured a gimmick would oversha …
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
I made this tape for a great road trip I was taking with my two best friends in April 1999. I was trying to collect songs that sounded as if they belonged in the early Eighties; it didn't really work.  …
Cassette | Theme - Road Trip
February 27, 1998: Sean and Ben were driving to Montreal to visit Grant on his birthday the next day (my birthday as well, coincidentally). They asked for a mixed tape for the trip; I put this in my ma …
Cassette | Theme
November 22, 1998: This tape was made for my friend Sean (the same person for whom Andrew Forbes made If Sean Were A Gunslinger...). Sean is a great fan of Dylan Thomas; take the first letter of each s …
Cassette | Theme
February 21, 2000: My friend Wendy's apartment had recently been robbed; all her CDs were stolen. It was coming up on her birthday. I helped her make a list of what was gone, and then I made this mix t …
Cassette | Theme
I made this mix on April 25, 1998 for my friend Grant (like Mark-O, he also shares my birthday). Grant likes animals, but monkeys are his favorite.
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