TheKeenGuy (Patrick C. Taylor)

Member Since: 7/9/2002
Total Mixes: 164
Total Feedback: 1488

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TheKeenGuy (Patrick C. Taylor)'s Mixes

TheKeenGuy (Patrick C. Taylor)'s Favorite Mixes

TheKeenGuy (Patrick C. Taylor)'s Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
The third of three mixes for Thom, co-owner of the Naro Cinema, once again lending to the idea that it takes hearing more than one song by an artist before I really decide if I'm gonna buy a CD by an a …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
The second of three mixes from Thom, co-owner of Naro Expanded Cinema. I guess you can see what the theme is now. I'm making these mies to try to turn him on to some indie rock artists he maybe hasn't  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Made for one of the owners of Naro Expanded Cinema who is also really into indie music and asked for some picks that he might not have heard of... While mixing, I came up with a three CD gimmick and ra …
CD | Theme - Depression
Another mix made for Gillian... she was looking for something mellow to take her mind off some troubles she's been having lately... but, here I am, and my cat which I've had since second grade seems to …
CD | Pop
A mix made for me by Gillian, for whom I made "At Least We Still Have Ourselves." She gave a lot of attention to making the album lyrically meaningful, and of course she's trying to turn me on to a num …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
A companion CD to "Uncanny Aim," which I made for my co-writer Boone. This is not as rock oriented, but more bent toward the singer-songwriter sound that Boone and I love... there are some great rariti …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
For my co-writer Boone, who lives out in LA, and with whom I share very similar taste in music (and the same unhealthy obsession it Amoeba Music in Hollywood). Since we already own a lot of the same CD …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Made for Gillian, who I work with at the video store, who I write with over at the Taphouse Grill on Sundays, and with whom I commiserate over bad break-ups and even worse false starts in our love live …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
Made for the same person for whom I made "Blind Faith and Dumb Luck" around St. Valentine's Day... and I haven't gotten around to posting it until now, on St. Patrick's Day. Like the title, it's a amus …
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