
Member Since: 3/28/2007
Total Mixes: 16
Total Feedback: 16

Welcome to 10 Songs Blog Welcome to the 10 Songs Blog. Each week a new theme and a new 10 songs. You can also play along on mixpod http://www.mixpod.com/10songsblog

Pajama Dancing www.pjdancing.com

pjdance's Mixes

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pjdance's Mixes

Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Show me your bitter and resentful, nihilistic and nasty, sour and dour, angry and vengeful 80s love songs. And don't make me call you out for putting a non 80s tune on your mixtape (tsk tsk tsk). I thi …
Playlist | Theme
1. God Is A Bullet - Concrete Blonde (The opening credits roll as a man chewing a cigar walks down the hall of military headquarters. He is on his way to get chewed out by his superior officer for bein …
Playlist | Theme
Yeah I cheated! The first song is my own personal mix of two songs, so what? I just couldn't choose which one I liked better. I also run the blog so I can break the rules kiddies. Anyway, Happy late B- …
Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
Do you know how many band names start with "The"?! WAY too many for a 10 song set. And some bands have one song I really love and some have many. So please don't send me hate mail because I missed The  …
Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
You are getting two playlists today because I completely forgot it was Martin Luther King Day and that does require a playlist of songs about unity and spiritual power and change and even anger that th …
Playlist | Theme
Current Theme: 10 Songs dedicated to Edward Hopper's Nighthawks. So my mixtape is the kind of "mellow" mix where you probably know a few of the songs and know some of the words to them even if you don' …
Playlist | Theme
10 Songs Blog debuted with it's first theme and first 10 *cough* 11 songs in January with: Goin' Down Slow. 10 Songs you want played at your funeral plus one specifically for when they lower the coffin …
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