Mark Petruccelli

Member Since: 8/28/2001
Total Mixes: 85
Total Feedback: 2160

Mark Petruccelli's Mixes

Mark Petruccelli's Favorite Mixes

Mark Petruccelli's Mixes

CD | Jazz
As a former Bari Sax player I developed a fondness for Gerry Mulligan at about age 15. I first learned to improvise by transposing his solo on "My Funny Valentine" and then horsing around with it. Abou …
CD | Single Artist
A compilation of tunes by a favorite underated singer / songwriter, Mr. Chuck Prophet. I first got turned on to him in about 2000 with "The Hurting Business" and it remains my favorite of his discs (it …
CD | Theme - Cover Songs
Some unusual covers I discovered during my web-wide-free-legal-download excursions. Links are to the source sites. For those of you who didn't catch it, this was my April Fools joke for the year ... un …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
2 CD set to console me as I miss the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival for the 6th consecutive year in about a month. All I need is these discs, 75 different kinds of Cajun food, lots of Beer, sun …
CD | Single Artist
This mix is a compilation of tunes by a tremendous blues guitarist from Pittsburgh, Ernie was a student of the Rev, Gary Davis and a practitioner of Piedmont, Delta and Texas Blues and Ragtime Guitar.  …
CD | Theme
The idea for this mix came from an info-mercial for videos of The Cathedrals where they showcased Bass Vocalist George Younce singing the closer here and an interview with Ry Cooder on the World Cafe w …
CD | Singer/Songwriter
Round 3 in my exploration of free, legal downloads. Once again, all of these were found at . This time all songs were filed under Alternative Folk. The artists which I am goin …
CD | Mixed Genre
My incessant uploading jag recently has not deterred me from buying actual CD's. The 60 minutes compiled here are my latest acquisitions (I actually once owned #7 on Vinyl and have a third generation c …
CD | Blues
Volume 2 of my exploration into the world of high-speed connections and free, legal downloads. This time I stumbled into which is chock full of vintage blues mp3's. Some really g …
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