Kathryn Hudson

Member Since: 11/15/2001
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 15

Kathryn Hudson's Mixes

Kathryn Hudson's Favorite Mixes

Kathryn Hudson's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
I was finally taked into doing this mix by Ion Moe as its been nearly a year since I posted one onto the site. This mix is a tribute to the genius of Mike Alway and el records which is a label I have o …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Its raining here in London so I made this slighty melancholy tape for Ion Moe as a swap. Its my usual indie and pop fare but with a chilled/downbeat twist...chill out compilations are HUGE here in the  …
Cassette | Theme
I just did this to amuse me really. Its a mix of covers that I like with all the original artists in brackets..its OK but doesn't actually hang together all that well in reality. Ho hum. The titles fro …
Cassette | Theme
After the wonderful response to my British girls tape I made this for all the people who asked for a copy of that mix. Side one is all French/French Canadian 60's girls (plus one Brit singing in French …
Cassette | Theme
Well, this is my global mix inspired by fellow AOTMer Ion Moe. It was hard to keep within a theme AND make a mix that I really liked. The finished product is a bit of a compromise really. I could have  …
Cassette | Theme
British Girls of the 1960's.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Also known as Kathryn stretches her smallish Sarah collection to try and make a mix that isn't too repetitive or reliant on certain artists! And before anyone shouts, I know that the Talulah Gosh track …
Cassette | Pop
Made one afternoon whilst skiving off work because I was miseable about some loser bloke..so its dedicated to him. Its all upbeat British 80's pop both mainstream and underground and I quite like how i …
Cassette | Theme
Made for my friend Jude as an intro to my favourite sounds from Sarah Records and related bands/labels
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