
Member Since: 4/9/2005
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 1306

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KathrynandRupert's Mixes

KathrynandRupert's Favorite Mixes

KathrynandRupert's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Last weekend we went to Bradford and Leeds.This mix was our soundtrack.Why Bradford,a north English town in need of a successful Olympic bid to guarantee it some much needed regeneration?Kathryn had a  …
Cassette | Theme
We English are expected to have a love/hate relationship with the French.Personally I expend all my energy on exploring their vibrant music scene,present and past,leaving me no time to indulge in petty …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
For a friend I haven't seen for several years.While I have languished in lazy splendour three sprogs have sprung forth from his loins.This profligacy has diverted his attentions from what goes on in th …
CD | Mixed Genre
My first CD mix for a friend whose musical tastes are wider than mine,he likes rockabilly and cajun,two genres yet to tweak my happy button.I'm not sure what he'll make of the MSR Singers,their song is …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a mix for Moe, in payment for all the great mixes he has made me in the past few months. My only regret is taking so lomg to get round to making the thing!
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Tomorrow morning Kathryn and I are heading north to Liverpool to meet a friend to celebrate her birthday.A long journey,we live in London,is an excuse to make another mix tape which will help me cope w …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
The first in this series was The Golden Hour Of Swedish Pop.Not knowing I was going to follow it with further country compilations it lacks the epithet Earglobe Part 1 but in effect that's what it is.I …
Cassette | Theme
This is the year I decided my youth had gone but I decided to cling on to it anyway.If only my hair had listened.Paul McCartney is actually a song and not a typo.And the Nine Steps To Ugly track might …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
As much as I wanted to do Hippos vs.Rhinos I couldn't find enough material so I resorted to that age old struggle between felines and canines.Once again the Family Cat kick off this mix,must get out of …
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