
Member Since: 1/2/2003
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 3

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Urthworm's Mixes

Urthworm's Favorite Mixes

Urthworm's Mixes

CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
I made this mix over a period of a few weeks. It got thrown out and reorganised many times before I thought "sod it" and just burnt it as it was one day. I made it for a friend of mine who spends as mu …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
This playlist is designed to allow the listener to drift off to sleep while listening it. I don't know about other people, but if I lay down and start listening it's rare I'll get even halfway to sleep …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is a deviation from the norm, as far as my mixes go. First, it's actually a double CD rather than a cassette (I have, however, entered it as a cassette so I can show both sides, because I tihnk it …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Dear god, this tape represents a week of hell. I spent days trying to work out what this was missing and in the end I just decided to transfer it from playlist to tape and see how it comes out. My prev …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
Nikki and I made this compilation shortly after I got the car - it was the first one I had a guiding hand in the actual compilation process rather than choosing the tracks. Sadly, this tape is no longe …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
My first solo attempt at a proper mix tape. I tried to ensure the ending of each song flowed into the sart of the next without becoming jarring, and I included some novelty tracks and dialogue to keep  …