Member Since: 3/11/2008
Total Mixes: 5
Total Feedback: 16

1895's Mixes

1895's Favorite Mixes

1895's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Pink Floyd's "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" is long enough to wrap around twice, and lovely enough to warrant repeated listens.TV On The Radio glimmer with 24-carat optimism in "Golden Age."Frank Sinatra …
CD | Theme
1. What could one possibly say about Marlene Dietrich that she hasn't already said better herself? In "Ich bin die fesche Lola," the first famous female to sport trousers plays a performer who is starv …
CD | Mixed Genre
An extremely last-minute birthday mix for my man about town, the ever-ebullient, always-sparkling Matty. The candles my wife drew on the cd were so real-looking that Matty actually tried to blow them o …
CD | Theme
This mix is a musical exploration of "homeland" hosted by songwriters from around the planet. 1. Ervin Webb & Group's spiritual I'm Goin' Home is one of countless recordings made by folklorist Alan Lom …
CD | World
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture," Frank Zappa claimed. This mix hopes to show that both of these activities are perfectly viable, and that when it comes to rocking tunes, any ge …