
Member Since: 4/9/2005
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 1306

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KathrynandRupert's Mixes

KathrynandRupert's Favorite Mixes

KathrynandRupert's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Randomness for the pleasure of it. All reason has been revoked.
CD | Theme
Continuing my adventure through the alphabet I've settled on the letter E. Explain yourself, some will shout when they see no ELO or Edison Lighthouse. They came close but got cut at the last moment. W …
CD | Mixed Genre
Pink, it's not just for girls. Inspired by the XTC song in which the true filth of pink is glorified.
CD | Mixed Genre
Made for a friend who is looking after his mother who had a stroke a few months back. He doesn't work and gets by on a pittance so buying music is something he rarely does. His taste is varied though h …
CD | Theme
Back with the ladies again. Rather annoyed I missed the opportunity to follow Gillian Hills with Valerie Mountain. I've mixed the old with the new, the folky with the poppy, the foreign with the native …
CD | Alternative - Punk
My safety pin is a little rusty now......I've devoted many a mix to the obscure so here I opted for the downright obvious. No apologies for overwhelming this with punk standards. Of course there are on …
CD | Single Artist
This is not a best of, just my favourites. I know I've ignored a few classics but I've heard them many a time. Adhering to my love of randomness this is not in chronological order.It's all 60's materia …
CD | Pop
Instead of being a Rupert mix (which most of these are) this is actually Kathryn's handiwork! I made this mix for two music loving female friends who I went on a weekend away to Harrogate in Yorkshire  …
CD | Pop
Come xmas, come the Wob gig in Brighton. Wob is an oustandingly talented guitarist with an operatic voice. He'll suddenly burst into On The Street Where You Live while tuning his guitar then launch int …
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