
Member Since: 4/9/2005
Total Mixes: 70
Total Feedback: 1306

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KathrynandRupert's Mixes

KathrynandRupert's Favorite Mixes

KathrynandRupert's Mixes

CD | Pop
I made this mix for a friend I haven't seen for nearly ten years. We used to meet and go for a drink fairly regularly in the 80's and early 90's. Now he has three kids, at the last count, and I guess h …
CD | Theme
Continuing my adventure through the alphabet I've focused on the letter O. Observant AOTMers will have noticed I'm concentrating on the vowels first. Artists cut at the final moment: O Level, Outcasts  …
CD | Theme
More mostly forgotten artists culled from the scrapyard of the punk and post punk scene in Britain. This time I've taken a few tracks from compilations as well as singles. Labels in brackets, those tu …
CD | Theme
Another tribute to the wonderful world of women in music. Bookended by two modern pop classics inbetween there is a little reggae, punk, 60's pop and a few oddities.
CD | Theme
Pop music has often been accused of a lack of imagination and here's the proof. What is strange is that many of these twins were released within a few years of each other and musically many are simila …
CD | Theme
To curb my excitement of the forthcoming big record fair at Olympia in London this saturday I've directed my thoughts away to making a mix in celebration of all forms of transport. Also to tear myself  …
CD | Pop
What I've found in the last few weeks from various sources: ebay, charity shops, secondhand record shops, record fairs. The Screen Gemz was a stunning find, 50 pence in a music exchange shop; it had s …
CD | Theme
Time to celebrate my favourite thing....women. Yes, they displaced chocolate as my ultimate pleasure round about the time I hit puberty. I've always preferred the female voice to the male although Diam …
CD | Theme
Title is self explanatory. I'm sure AOTMers will be fuming at the no show by Idle Race and Incredible String Band and probably numerous others.Let's face it, we can't see I to I on everything.
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