
Member Since: 2/5/2005
Total Mixes: 74
Total Feedback: 200

lostinthejazzmix's Mixes

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lostinthejazzmix's Mixes

CD | Jazz
Volume III of my Coltrane series. I have in my collection a handful of folks playing Coltrane tunes, but mostly the same song(s) (I've got 4 `Giant Steps,' for example). I'd love to hear other `covers' …
CD | Jazz
Part II of my three-set Coltrane mix. The attempt here was to show Coltrane in a few different contexts, playing the music of others. A lot of Coltrane's choices for `covers' (Greensleeves, Inch Worm,  …
CD | Jazz
After A Love Supreme - arguably John Coltrane's crowning achievement - `Trane went, well, off - in directions mostly too wild and wooly (and, let's face it, pretty incomprehensible) for these ears, I'm …
CD | Jazz
Good ol' breezy, bouncy, old-time pop from the 20s, 30s & 40s (save 10, which nonetheless fits perfectly). (There's no AotM genre title to best classify this music, so I put it under "jazz" because of  …
CD | Jazz
While I'm a huge jazz fan, I am by no means an academic listener, with facts, dates and other bits of minutia at the ready to stump fellow enthusiasts. (Where Bop ends and Hard Bop begins, for example, …
CD | Jazz
This mix (and its companion) was inspired by Hemizen's last mix, as well as Steve Mossholder's light-hearted challenge to pit his forthcoming Ellington mix against Terry's. It's also a re-working of my …
CD | Jazz
This mix (and its companion) was inspired by Hemizen's last mix, as well as Steve Mossholder's light-hearted challenge to pit his forthcoming Ellington mix against Terry's. It's also a re-working of my …
CD | Jazz
I came to jazz rather late in the game (mid 20s), and a guy who was coming on the scene around the same time as I was getting interested was Jacky Terrasson, who's eponymous first album is still one of …
CD | Jazz
Well, these aren't "retreats" in the shy and retiring sense. Even ballads can be bold in conception and execution. This is a companion piece to my previous mix. The original working title for this was  …
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