jed the humanoid

Member Since: 10/12/2002
Total Mixes: 43
Total Feedback: 122

ultimate boredom

jed the humanoid's Mixes

jed the humanoid's Favorite Mixes

jed the humanoid's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
i made this mix after calling my friend carmen on friday night when i was bored and had nothing to do. she told me she was making a mix for her friend, and then i remembered that that's what i used to  …
CD | Theme - Depression
this is for joe, a friend who has been having a rough time with school. he caught the bus with me a few weeks back and asked if i could burn him 'without you i'm nothing.' he was flicking through my cd …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i think there should be a genre called "birthday mixes." coz this is my 2nd birthday mix, and i feel so generic putting it in 'mixed genre' when birthday mixes are a lot more special. well i made this  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is a return mix for SueEW. finally i get around to finishing it. i got hers in the mail today. very nice stuff. my mix is a little more laid back and mellow, as i tend to be with my music. side A  …
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix for a lost friend. i used to talk to him on ICQ a lot, but only met him once or twice, then was out of contact for a long time. over a year. actually i had forgotten about him, then one of his fr …
CD | Mixed Genre
this is a mix for my cousin Liam, who just turned 13. my aunty asked me to make a mix for him a while back, as the poor kid only has 1 cd and it's some crap like rammstein. i forgot about making it unt …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was a joint project between my dad and i. my folks had a party on the weekend and dad wanted a cruisey mix to play. he wrote a jumbled list of songs he wanted, from his collection plus a few of mi …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
well, sunday was hottest 100 day, and as i have my ritual of listing all the songs and highlighting the ones i voted for, (despite the list going up on the net 30 minutes afterwards) i figured i'd tape …
Cassette | Theme - Sleep
it's the end of a long hard day, and you've finally decided to do yourself a favour and hit the sack before your legs snap off at the knees. You're about to climb into bed, but your body aches, your he …
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