Media Vixen: Radio Sally

Member Since: 2/3/2003
Total Mixes: 110
Total Feedback: 1667

Media Vixen: Radio Sally's Mixes

Media Vixen: Radio Sally's Favorite Mixes

Media Vixen: Radio Sally's Mixes

CD | Theme
Another volume in the series. (1) Early(ish) Van. The hairy-chested God lover ... the spiritual Tarzan. Dom's made me feel sheepish about my preference for Van, but I guess there's no time like the pre …
CD | Mixed Genre
Work has been slow, so there's some available mix time. This one has been brewing for awhile, but some new CDs floated into my life which inspired me to finish it. I am dead dog tired, so there won't b …
CD | Theme
You can tell by the dates that I made this awhile ago. The aim here was to introduce some of my less musicially adventurous female friends (in particular) to branch out a bit. There are some suspicious …
CD | Theme
"THE FOOL DOTH THINK HE IS WISE, BUT THE WISE MAN KNOWS HIMSELF TO BE A FOOL." - Wm. Shakespeare, (bien sur) I've been meaning to post this Fools mix (now one of three or four) since I started at AotM …
CD | Mixed Genre
Well, I was trying to get this posted before the turn of the season, but I just didn't get it together. The title is a phrase from Hamilton Basso's excellent "you-can't-go-home-again-or-else" Southern  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Ahem. I made this mix as a sentimental pick-me-up for my ex/dear "friend with benefits(?)" who is having a hard time right now. He's in deep with himself and his demons and depression, at that point wh …
CD | Mixed Genre
More hits from the hard drive. Between buying used cds while I hang around work waiting for things to happen (that's what producers do a lot ... hang around and wait for things to go wrong) ... and gra …
CD | Jazz
So, this jazz bender will spill over onto another disc soon come. Maybe it was Lost-in-the-Mix joining the Splitters or seeing the Michael Caine version of "Alfie" but I just started jonesin' for some  …
CD | Mixed Genre
So, it was my 2-year AotM anniversary two days ago! Today, I met Jennergy for beer, lunch, and in-person bonding in NYC. And, for the first time in months, I have a new mix. (1) the Aretha track came f …
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