Rob Conroy

Member Since: 1/22/2001
Total Mixes: 629
Total Feedback: 9267

Rob Conroy's Mixes

Rob Conroy's Favorite Mixes

Rob Conroy's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
Volume Two. Oh, and I forgot to state for the record that both of these mixes were compiled deep into a night of boredom ensconced in a Middleburg Heights, OH hotel room last night.
CD | Single Artist
Art-damaged noisemeisters with killer de-tuned pop hooks... legendary, but fading (somewhat) in my humble opinion. Although I had just about all of the Sonic Youth discography at my disposal, I must sa …
CD | Single Artist
The latest in my ongoing series of criminally ignored bands features the exceptionally tuneful L.A. trash popsters on this disc... Jeff McDonald has one of my favorite voices of all-time and a fine kna …
CD | Theme
Okay. This mix is born from two sources... one, I promised Talia that I'd make her a mix that went through my favorite bands (in order of preference) and featured my favorite song from each, no matter  …
CD | Single Artist
74 minutes of a band that I will always love a bit but who once meant a lot more to me. As evidenced by my selections, I'm definitely more of an Andy Partridge man than a Colin Moulding man (but then a …
CD | Single Artist
I'm more or less at a loss to explain who/what Sloan is... suffice it to say that they're a band who meant little to me prior to the past year or so, even though I had both Smeared (which really has no …
CD | Mixed Genre
A much-procrastinated-upon mix for one Kathleen Gallagher, formerly of Halifax, now of Dublin. I miss seeing her mixes here, to be honest. At any rate, after two tries, this is the finished product (Ma …
CD | Single Artist
The originators of what is generically known as the "No Depression"/alt-country movement (I understand its origins in ancient Appalachian music, Hank Williams, '70s country-rock via Gram Parsons/Poco,  …
CD | Mixed Genre
For the forever-engaging Talia. Will she like all of it? Probably not. Is it the comprehensive intro disc she's dreaming of? Probably not. Is it a damned fine mix that I'm going to enjoy immensely as I …
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